Survey for Digital Innovation Hubs

Survey for Digital Innovation Hubs

This survey is part of research under the project AfriConEU. The AfriConEU Networking Academy will offer two Flagship Programmes, one of which will be dedicated to Capacity Building for African DIHs. 

The survey is aimed at DIHs, who already participate in capacity building programmes on some of the essential topics for the successful functioning of DIHs: establishment, strategy&business development, service portfolio & development, expansion & networking, skills & knowledge creation, communication & awareness creation and sector-specific topic. 

With the survey, we would like to have more insight into identifying how DIHs are trained through these programmes, what they already participate in, their needs, what training methods they prefer, how knowledge sharing is facilitated, contextual and social factors. 

The survey should not take more than 10 minutes.

The questionnaire is here.