Phases of Investment | ATBN Online Webinar
Phases of Investment | ATBN Online Webinar
On the 23rd of November 2022, ATBN, in the framework of AfriConEU Networking Academy, hosted an online Webinar about the core phases of investment.
The Webinar’s aim was to analyze common types of investors and to inform about common relationships developed during the investment process.
The event started off with Eunice Baguma Bali, Digital & Gender Inclusion Consultant from ATBN, who made an introduction to ATBN, and with Catarina Reis, Project Officer from Porto Business School, introducing the AfriConEU project to the participants in an interactive way.
This presentation was followed by a Slideshare from Michelle Mboha, Investment Manager of Inua Capital, who presented the stages of investing. In particular, she elaborated on phases of investment and private equity as an alternative to traditional finance. Afterward, she gave tips on how businesses can overcome risks in the early stages of investment searching. She specifically stated that “businesses should identify the main players in their sector” and “show that they address a need large enough to justify an investment”.
After that, attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker. At the end of the Webinar, they got divided into focus groups where they had a fruitful conversation about the Webinar topic.
You can find more details about the event on our Twitter.