Durable funding sources for DIH | ATBN Online Webinar

Durable funding sources for DIH | ATBN Online Webinar

African Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are critical to the growth of digital innovation startups and the ecosystem in Africa. However, many of them struggle to become sustainable and lack best practices for developing durable revenue streams and business models.

To address this challenge, AfriConEU, the first Trans-continental Networking Academy for African and European Digital Innovation Hubs in partnership with African Technology Business Network (ATBN) will host a virtual webinar on Durable Funding Sources for Digital Innovation Hubs.

The main objective of this webinar is to equip DIH leaders with tools to explore and develop potential revenue models. Particular emphasis will be placed on services the hubs can offer as platforms, such as providing space for events and operations, training programs for professionals and aspiring professionals, and consulting and matchmaking services for early-stage projects.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Developing a durable financial model
  • Identifying best practices surrounding revenue streams
  • Acquiring sponsorships/ partnerships to support incubation and acceleration programs

Who Should Attend?

  • Leaders of Digital Innovation Hubs (tech hubs, universities, incubators, accelerators)
  • Youth
  • Start-ups
  • Entrepreneurs and entrepreneur support network leaders
  • Digital skills providers

Time zones

  • CET 12.00 – 13.30
  • EAT 13.00 – 14.30
  • WAT 11.00 – 12.30
  • BST 11.00 – 12.30
  • EEST 12.00 – 13.30