Digital Innovation Hubs Sustainability | ITC Webinar
Digital Innovation Hubs Sustainability | ITC Webinar
On the 13th of June, ITC Cluster, under the umbrella of the AfriConEU Networking Academy, hosted a webinar on Digital Innovation Hubs Sustainability. In this webinar, participants were introduced to the DIH’s sustainability, mainly how to achieve sustainability by creating and capturing values.
Sasa Straus, Senior Expert at ITC Cluster DIH Agrifood and our main speaker warmly welcomed the participants and gave the floor to Ana Solange Leal INOVA+ to introduce the project and the opportunities available through the AfriConEU.
Sasa gave an overview of what sustainability really means, focusing on the fact that “sustainability is not only an environmental thing but also social while it’s related to ethics.” She explained why it is confusing to understand sustainability as a simple concept and which are the steps for someone to follow if they want to apply sustainable characteristics to its activities. Sasa mentioned that “if you think without tools like sustainability canvas, then you will not go far.” highlighting that firstly has to monitor the impact.
The webinar closed with DIH Agrifood as a Case Study and with questions from the participants.