Data-driven innovation | PBS Online Webinar

Data-driven innovation | PBS Online Webinar

New month, new AfriConEU Networking Academy webinars! 

On the 23rd of March, Porto Business School hosted an online webinar about “Data-driven innovation”. The aim of this webinar was to highlight how a data ecosystem can be created and boosted and which are the core tools to capacitate Data Professionals and SMEs.

The webinar started with Catarina Silva, Funded Projects Technician from Porto Business School introducing the agenda of the event and giving the floor to Georgia-Anna Chondrou, Communications Lead at Youthmakers Hub to present the AfriConEU Project.

Our first speaker, Guilherme Ramos Pereira, Executive director at DSPA – Data Science Portuguese Association started the discussion with a core question: Who’s using Data Science? The answer was that our economy and society are data-driven. Overall, our speaker presented the activities of DSPA focusing on the development of a professional manual for everyone who wants to understand what Data Science is, and how can be involved and shift to this innovation.

The second speaker of our webinar,  Vasco Figueiredo Teles, Program Manager at EIT Manufacturing, continued the discussion giving the framework of the INESC TEC and explaining what they are doing.

One of the key takeaways of the session was that “We have to bring people together and spark things by collaborating. Be curious! If we don’t understand the challenge we cannot answer the right questions”. For more information about the event, you can check out AfriConEU’s Twitter page.