Consortium Meeting AfriConEU

Consortium Meeting AfriConEU

One year of AfriConEU has been completed, and partners participated in the Consortium meeting online on 9-10th March 2022. Partners discussed what happened during the first year of the project, highlighting the key performance indicators achieved, workshops and events that took place, research that has been conducted, and they also discussed all events, workshops, and activities in the second year of the project.

More specifically, AfriConEU has managed to achieve the following during the first year of the project:

  • during phase 1 of the project, 4 Roundtables were implemented with 165 participants
  • 60 Interviews took place, including Digital Innovation Hubs, Ecosystem enablers, Start-ups, and Investors from Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and Nigeria
  • a research has been conducted, receiving 266 responses from the 4 African partner countries
  • 4 Roundtables on Challenges and Opportunities of EU​ were implemented
  • 1 publication at INTED2022 Conference
  •  4 Participation in events
  • 3 ICT-58 Family meetings
  • 14 Deliverables submitted
  • 4 milestones achieved

Partners also discussed the next year’s activities of AfriConEU, which includes 12 local workshops in Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria, 20 webinars organized by ATBN, 8 Masterclasses organized by ITC, 4 Design Thinking Bootcamps organized by INOVA+, the International Brokerage event organized by dpixel and the final event at the end of the project.

Partners also discussed how to improve the implementation of activities the communication among partners to reach all the Key Performance Indicators for the next year, including

  • More than 1000 Innovation  Stakeholders reached through the Engagement Activities
  • More than 300 DIHs and  Innovation Stakeholders directly  trained by the Programmes
  • More than 200 DIHs improved their  Networks & Connections with other hubs within Local Ecosystems and beyond through Local​ Online Communities with over 3000  Members (DIHs, start-ups, investors,  corporates, ecosystem builders, African   diaspora community members & any other relevant stakeholders).
  • More than 200 Connections for the  Exchange of Knowledge and  Learnings through the AfriConEU  Online Community.​