Business Intelligence and Analytics | PBS Online Masterclass

Business Intelligence and Analytics | PBS Online Masterclass

On the 12th of April, Porto Business School hosted an online masterclass about “Business Intelligence and Analytics”. The aim of this masterclass was to highlight how a data ecosystem can be created and boosted, how to use data to tell a story that resonates with your audience and how to use data storytelling to drive business decisions.

The masterclass started with Catarina Silva, Funded Projects Technician from Porto Business School introducing the agenda of the event and giving the floor to Joseph Gaylord, Analyst at Dpixel to present the AfriConEU Project. 

Our first speaker, Guilherme Ramos Pereira, Executive director at DSPA – Data Science Portuguese Association started the discussion talking about Data Science. Overall, our speaker presented the activities of DSPA focusing on the development of a professional manual for everyone who wants to understand what Data Science is, and how can be involved and shift to this innovation, while at the same time highlighted that “We don’t have to be all data scientists, but we have to have some knowledge of data”.

The second speaker of our masterclass, Fernando Matos, President DSPA, Partner & Co-founder Closer Consulting, continued the discussion presenting Data Storytelling and what we have to do to create a good story with data. He was focused on the fact that “Data storytelling is not just about visuals, but it has a narrative”, and for that reason we have to choose the appropriate charts to visualise our story. 

For more information about the event, you can check out AfriConEU’s Twitter page.