Building a Business Plan | ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Online Webinar
Building a Business Plan | ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Online Webinar
On the 6th of December 2022, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster, in the framework of AfriConEU Networking Academy, hosted an online Webinar about creating a business plan. The Webinar aimed to highlight the importance of business planning and build a business plan interactively along with the participants.
The event started with Sasa Straus, Senior ITC & DIH AGRIFOOD expert, who introduced the AfriConEU project to the participants. The webinar’s speaker was Eva Diedrichs, the founding managing director of IMP³rove — European Innovation Management Academy.
Eva Diedrichs presented a Slideshare on key success factors for developing and implementing a business plan. In addition, she elaborated on the key elements of a comprehensive business plan before showcasing step-by-step how a DIH can increase the probability of its successful implementation. The webinar was attended by leaders of Digital Innovation Hubs, entrepreneurs and entrepreneur support network leaders, digital skills providers, and other innovation ecosystem actors (e.g., investors). At the end of the presentation, the attendants were free to ask questions.
You can find more details about the event on our Twitter.