AfriConEU in Big Impact Days 2021

AfriConEU in Big Impact Days 2021

On November 26th, 2021, Marta Coto, Project Manager of INOVA+ participated the AfriConEU project in the Big impact Days Conference taking place phygitally. Marta presented the project, its objectives, deliverables along with the results so far. The event was co-organized by dpixel, one of the AfriConEU consortium partners.

​​Big Impact Days is the 3-day event (25, 26, and 27 November 2021) dedicated to investigating possible responses to these challenges, by listening to impact stories directly from the protagonists. In the certainty that no one is excluded and that everyone is potentially an actor of change, through this event we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of inspiring and fostering the awareness process, starting from the conviction that activities aimed at generating profits and actions inspired by ethical principles they are not incompatible with each other, but on the contrary, they are destined to become inseparable.